
Dolly Chugh

Associate professor, management and organizations, stern school of business, new york university

Professor Dolly Chugh is an Associate Professor in the Management and Organizations Department at New York University Stern School of Business. She teaches courses about leadership, management, and negotiations in Stern’s full-time MBA program and the NYU Prison Education Program.  Dolly Chugh's research focuses on the psychology of good people, particularly unintentional forms of unethical behavior such as unconscious bias. Her first book, titled The Person You Mean to Be:  How Good People Fight Bias will be released by HarperCollins in September 2018.  She received her PhD in Organizational Behavior and Social Psychology from Harvard University.  Prior to becoming an academic, Dolly worked for Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Scholastic, and Sibson.  More about Dolly and her work can be found at  

Tweet at Dolly here: @DollyChugh