
CJ Pascoe

Associate Professor, Sociology; David M. and Nancy L. Petrone Faculty Scholar, University of Oregon

CJ Pascoe is Associate Professor of Sociology and the David M. and Nancy L. Petrone Faculty Scholar at the University of Oregon. Her award winning book, Dude, You’re  a Fag:  Masculinity and Sexuality in High School, documents the relationship between homophobic harassment, heterosexism and masculinity in high school.  In it CJ suggests ways we might begin to redefine masculine gender norms that are damaging to both boys and girls.  CJ’s research has been featured in multiple documentaries and media outlets such as Frontline, National Public Radio, the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Toronto Globe and Mail and Inside Higher Ed.  She speaks regularly to academic audiences, parents and educators about ways we can all work to redefine masculinity in our homes, in our school and in other institutions in order to create a more equitable and just work. CJ’s current research focuses on the reproduction of gendered, classed, racialized and sexual inequalities in a suburban high school; homophobia in online environments and LGBTQ coming got age experiences. She continues to write about bullying and contemporary shifts in definitions and understandings of masculinity and homophobia. She received her B.A. in Sociology from Brandeis University in 1996 and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of California, Berkeley in 2006.

Tweet at CJ here: @c_j_pascoe